Hot times.... summer in the city!  Our Real Estate market has been enjoying a very active summer market.  I have analyzed all of the stats from July and here are 5 things you should know about the real estate market in Metro Vancouver:

  1. Supply:  We had 5,707 properties listed thru the month of July which is down -40% from this time last year (July 2014) and another -4% from last month (June 2015). 
    If we look into those stats further.... we have 2.7 months of inventory for detached houses and 2.8 months of inventory for attached homes.

  2. Demand: 2,170 properties sold in July which is up +27% from this time last year (July 2014) but, is down -11% from last month (June 2015).

  3. Time:  The average time for a detached house to sell was 16.3 days.  For

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